CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit Warm-up Accessory Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 14 minute AMRAP- Performance 8 Power cleans 115/85 8 Wall balls 30/20 8 T2B Fitness 8 PC 8 WB’s 16 sit ups/12v-ups/8 leg raises
Workout of the Day
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit Warm-up Weightlifting Front Squat (5 RM ) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 8 Minute AMRAP 10 FS 135/95 5 BMU or 10 Pull ups Fitness 10 FS 10 Assisted pull ups/ring rows Metcon (AMRAP… Read more »
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit Warm-up Weightlifting Overhead Squat (5×3) Metcon Metcon (Time) 4 Rounds FT- Performance 20 Burpees 10 Snatches 145/100 Fitness 15 Burpees 10 snatches
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit Warm-up Weightlifting Snatch (1 RM ) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 10 minute AMRAP…. OHS 95/65 box jump overs 24/20 Fitness Lighter weight box jumps overs RX+ option- 2 Muscle ups between each… Read more »
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit Warm-up Weightlifting Hang Clean (1 hang clean ) Every :30 seconds for 8 minutes Metcon Metcon (Time) Performance 100 abmat sit ups 30 hang cleans 135/95 50 abmat sit ups Fitness 75 abmat sit ups 30… Read more »
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit Warm-up Weightlifting Deadlift (3 Deadlifts ) EMOM 10- 85% Metcon Metcon (Time) GI-Jane 100 Burpee pull ups for time Fitness 75 Burpee pull ups for time
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit Warm-up Accessory Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Open Training! 20 minute AMRAP- 15 Thrusters 75/55 15 KB swings 55/35 15/13 cal row Fitness 12 12 12/10
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit Warm-up Weightlifting Back Squat (6×4) Metcon Metcon (Time) Re-Test- Performance Row 1,000M 30 Clean and Jerks 155/105 100 DU’s Fitness Row 1,000M 30 C&J’s 150 DU’s
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit Warm-up Weightlifting Squat Clean (8 min EMOM ) Metcon Metcon (Time) Performance Row 500M 10 T2B 6 Squat clean thrusters 135/95 15 T2B 8 SCT 155/105 20 T2B 10 SCT 185/135 Row 500M Fitness Row 500M… Read more »
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit Warm-up Weightlifting Sumo Deadlift (5×3) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Performance 12 minute AMRAP- 10 Deadlifts 205/145 15 GHDSU Fitness 10 Deadlifts 20 Abmat sit ups