
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Partner WOD: 14 minute AMRAP


12 Synchro Box jump overs 24/20

9 Synchro T2B

6 Synchro Squat cleans 115/85

Rest 2 minutes

then… They have 6 minutes (EXACTLY) to Est. a 1 Rep Max Squat clean. Both athletes should use the same bar. They CANNOT go down in weight once they have the weight loaded on the bar, it must stay there.


Same thing, Usual scales for T2B (TAH, GHDSU, Medball Sit ups. Less weight on squat cleans, Step overs.

Rest 2 minutes

Also 6 minutes to find a 1 RM, HOWEVER, they can power or squat.

Squat Clean (1 RM )


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