CrossFit – Wed, Aug 30

CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit

Open Gym Warm-up (Checkmark)

5 Minutes for Quality

15/12 Cal Bike

10/10 Suitcase Deadlifts with KB

20 Heel Over KB

10 Goblet Squats

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)



16 Wall Balls (20/14)

14/11 Cal Ski/Cal Bike *switch every other round*

12 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

10 Dual Kettlebell Snatch (53/35)



12 Wall Balls

12/9 Cal Ski/Cal Bike *switch off every other round*

10 Box Jumps/Step-ups

10 DB Snatch
The ski/bike should be completed in :45 or less, adjust accordingly. The box jumps should be completed in :40 or less. On the dual-kettlebell snatch and wall balls, choose a load that you can do unbroken

Make sure we are hitting depth on our wall balls! Range of motion is more important than the weight of the wall ball! If you can’t hit depth, go down in wall ball weight!

Scale as needed!

Optional Accessory (Weight)


10 GHD Raises (use assistance if needed)

Band Assisted

Box Assisted

You can also use a PVC pipe to push off of the ground to assist you

10/10 Single Arm Upside down KB Press

Rest 1:30 between rounds
