CrossFit – Wed, Aug 9

CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit

Open Gym Warm-up (Checkmark)


3 sets

15/12 Cal row

10/10 Cossack Squat

20 Banded Face Pulls

15 V-ups

Deadlift (6 sets of 4 reps @ 65-75% or RPE 6-7
*Rest 2:00 between sets

RPE 6: Could do 4 more repetitions.
RPE 7: Could do 3 more repetitions.


Metcon (Time)


6 sets

15/11 Cal Row

12 C2B Pull-ups (Rx+ 6 Bar Muscle-ups)

8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

*Rest 1:00 between rounds

*All sets looking to be completed around 2:00-2:30


6 sets

12/9 Cal Row

12 Banded Pull-ups/Ring Rows

6 Burpee Step-ups/Normal Burpees

*Rest 1:00 Between Rounds

*All sets looking to be completed around 2:00-2:30

Optional Accessory (Time)

3 sets

0:40 Front Plank

30 Russian Twists w/ light DB

*Rest 1:00 between sets

Optional Post Class Recovery (Checkmark)

1:00 on each side

Superior Trap Smash

Place ball between your neck and top of your shoulder

Lift butt off the ground

Massage in small, slow and controlled circles

Medial Trap Smash

Place ball between your spine and shoulder blade

Wide arm flexion/extension movements

Specific Lower Back Roll

Place roller on your lumbar region

Keep feet flat on the ground with torso turned to one side

Maintain a rhythmic rate of 50 movements per minute

Quad Roll

Glute Roll
