
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit


Back Rack Lunge (4×20)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM for as long as possible

“Macho man”

3 Power cleans

3 Front Squats

3 Jerks

*** RX barbell 185/135

** any-other weight is scaled. Also, you should be able to make a minimum of 10 minutes. So whatever weight you choose try to make 10 minutes.

If you make it to 15 minutes. THEN you have to add 1 rep per minute until fail.

Example Joe p finishes minute 15 3/3/3 (easily)

Starting on the next minute Joe p will now have to do:

4 Power cleans + 4 FS + 4 jerks if JP makes that he then goes to

5 Power cleans + 5 FS + 5 jerks etc etc etc. Until he fails. Which he will fail
Scoring: 1 rep = 1 minute
