Although you will probably start feeling better and stronger immediately, new students can expect about a 15-20% improvement in strength and endurance following the first fifteen sessions. In addition, our findings show that flexibility, agility and body composition are improved. Subjective things like increased mental toughness, energy levels, improved sleep and reduced joint stiffness are also reported. Most of our students are shocked at their improvements even though they would consider themselves exercisers before starting CrossFit.
Today's WOD
CrossFit – Mon, Oct 14
CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit
Metcon (Weight)
LIft: EMOM 10 minutes
6 Burpee bar hops + 6 Thrusters
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds
25 T2B
25 KB swings 55/35
25 Box step overs with KB
20 T2rig, GHDSU
20 KB swings