CrossFit – Wed, Sep 13

CrossFit OC3 – CrossFit

Open Gym Warm-up (No Measure)


15/12 Cal Row

15 Goblet Squats

8 Push-up to should tap

:30 Hollow Hold

Strict Press (Build to a heavy 1 rep strict press


3 sets of 5 reps @65%-70%)

Metcon (Intervals) (6 Rounds for time)


Every 3:00 x 6 Sets

14/11 Cal Ski

14 Box Jump Overs

14 DB Snatch (50/35)

*Aim to get each round completed around 2:00. The goal is to have at least 1:00 of rest each set! If you’re not getting 1:00 of rest, scale the weight and/or reps where needed

*Hit these intervals with similar intensity each set!


Every 3:00 x 6 Sets

11/8 Cal Ski

11 Step-up & Over

11 DB Snatch or KB Swings (lighter)

*Aim to get each round completed around 2:00. The goal is to have at least 1:00 of rest each set! If you’re not getting 1:00 of rest, scale the weight and/or reps where needed

*Hit these intervals with similar intensity each set!

Optional Accessory (Checkmark)

3 Sets

50ft Dual DB Farmer Carry Lunge

Rest 1:30 between sets

3 Sets

10 KB Suitcase Deadlift
